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Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between Standard and Advanced signatures?

Both signatures are legitimate. The difference lies in the different confidence levels of the signature.

An Advanced signature verifies the identity of the signee by validating their government issued IDs. The ID validation is included in the evidence page for the signature.

Standard signatures are not based on electronic ID. Instead, the signer confirms an email address and cell phone number to identify themselves during the signing process.

Both signature types include an EU-certified timestamp and the sealing of documents to ensure long-term preservation (LTV).

Which signature types are appropriate for different file types?

Standard signatures are legally binding almost everywhere in the world and can be used for documents and contracts that do not have special requirements for valid signatures such as e.g. Confidentiality Statements (NDAs), Employment Agreements and Low Risk Business Agreements.

Advanced signatures are suitable when authenticating the signee is important, such as for applications and forms to public bodies, power of attorney or high-risk commercial contracts, e.g. in the case of significant amounts.

How can I activate Advanced signatures in

Please contact to activate Advanced signatures.

Do I get a copy of the ID that is used for the signature?

Each action in the signature and authentication process for Advanced signatures is meticulously logged in the activity log. Images taken during the authentication, including images of the ID are also delivered there upon signature, along with an evidence page including the same logs, as well as certain fields from the ID, such as ID number and type.

Do Advanced signatures work for all IDs?

Advanced signatures are compatible with over 11.000 government issued IDs from over 230 countries.

How are the IDs validated in Advanced signatures?

During the authentication process for Advanced signatures, the signee is asked to take a photo of their ID and of themselves. AI examines the images for evidence of tampering or fraud, reviews that it is valid and compares the images taken during the process to the image on the ID. When needed this is manually verified.

Can I use both types of signatures on the same document?

Yes, both signature types can be used on the same document, as needed.

Can the digitally signed document be printed?

The document can alwas be printed, but the signature is only valid when presented in its digital form. Metadata needed to verify the validity of the document does not get printed.

Do signees need to have a Taktikal account to sign documents?

No, only the company that sends documents out for signing needs to have a Taktikal account. The signees will reveive the documents via email or sms.